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Recommendations and savings with Scene+ to inspire your next break

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find the best Scene+ deals on hotels and more?

Some of the cheapest hotel deals are available through Scene+ Travel with a little know-how. As a rule, the earlier you look, the cheaper it is to book. Early booking is a great way to take advantage of Scene+ discounts of 20% or more if you're able to book hotel deals at least 45 days ahead of travel. Hotel deals are available in a range of different establishments, from luxury hotels to more affordable options with great amenities. Filter your Scene+ search for free perks included with your booking, such as parking or breakfast.

Does Scene+ offer any last minute hotel deals?

Yes – Scene+ offers last-minute hotel deals for your spur-of-the-moment getaways, whether it's a beach break in the Caribbean or a weekend in Toronto, Montréal or New York. Check back often as new hotel deals are available every day.

What are the best Scene+ travel destinations to book hotel deals and more?

You can book hotel deals and more for all kinds of dream destinations with Scene+. There's something for everyone: families may seek the thrills of ski slopes in Aspen or the trip of a lifetime to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. If you're booking for two, consider the romance of Venice or a Caribbean getaway spent soaking up the sun with your special one. Those in search of an amazing city break can never go wrong with New York City or further afield in European hotspots like Paris or Barcelona. With Scene+ Travel, Powered by Expedia, you've got the world at your fingertips.

Do Scene+ Travel deals on hotels offer free cancellation?

Scene+ Travel caters to customers looking for hotel deals with free cancellation. Sign in using your Scene+ login, search for hotels and filter your results for hotel deals with the "Free cancellation" option – or simply head to the "Flexible hotel deals" section on the Scene+ page. However, free cancellation is not guaranteed. You must always check the cancellation policy details before you book.

Do you need to be a Scene+ member to book hotel deals and more?

To book travel you must be a Scene+ member. If you’re not yet a member, you can sign up for free today. While you can view some available hotel deals on the Scene+ page, you'll need your Scene+ login to search and book deals on hotels and other travel options.